once again, i am superiorior to steven m. zacks
Okay, all of you fanatical reader's of my trusted friend Steven M. Zack's "Lohanified" blog Banality, Autumnattic's got a one-up for you. Well, sort of. Once again, actually, Autumnattic is superior to Banality, simply because he has black lungs, whilst mine are oh-so-pink. Say, speaking of Miss Lindsay herself, how about the time she lost her purse after a drunken Thanksgiving, and then was shocked to find THESE scans of her California license and highly overused credit card floatin' on the netski. Lindsay's new ALBUM, uh, "RUMORS," dropped yesterday. Hmmm. Publicity stunt? Nah, that'd be taken care of by her appearance on TRL yesterday. Ah well, enjot her license picture, which coincidentally, they could not airbrush as well as her Rolling Stone cover this summer.
Today's campus "Current" magazine has a bland interview with acclaimed Facebook nerd/creator Mark Zuckerberg. He seems like your average dry computer programmer, but so much more, really. I mean, he like, INVENTED, the facebook! Seriously, you HAVE to facebook me. I have SO MANY friends. Whatever, Friendster was novel, this is just a rehash [i'm close to an addict, mind you].
REMAKE RUNDOWN! Here are a few first ever pics of Peter Jackson's secret remake of "King Kong," starring Adrian "I haven't been in anything since I won an Oscar for playing a Jew, except for that special ed guy in that M. Night Shyamalan flop" Brody, Jack "Where the fuck has Tenacious D been" Black, and Naomi "I was only sort of hot in Huckabees" Watts. On a related note, the "Return of the King" extended 8 hour special edition DVD drops next week. [via goldenfiddle]
ELECTRIFYIN'! Details sort of emerge on The Darkness' follow up to "Permission to Land"
OY! Motley Crue to join the reuniting bandwagon. Right after, of course, Tommy Lee graduates from that one university and closes up his private Starbucks. They play the palace in February.
Happy Chanukah to all who wished it to the 13291/2!