Wednesday, November 17, 2004

hot buttered cream

I don't know why I continue to post rumored reunitings of classic rock bands, but here ya go: Cream is set to play a few gigs in early '05. How happy would William Miller be?

Word on the fantasy street is that Warner Brothers execs have hired a new scribe for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. If you ask me, everything soured after Chris Columbus left and Richard Harris croaked. Bummer.

Screamo-proggers My Chemical Romance, who seem to have an unusal amout of street cred considering their watered-down genre, got in a tiff with California cops at a free parking lot performance at Best Buy. If they weren't hired by some scum suckers at "make emo-mall-punk-bigger-than-life-for-profit" promotions, they wouldn't have caused such a corporate ruckus and thus been left alone by the bothersome cops.

In the second day in a row of beating a dead horse, decent doo-wop rockers TV On the Radio have won a $10,000 Shortlist Music prize. Hopefully they will use that money to hire more white people to be in their rock band.

Liberals rejoice and stop whining : kerry may run again in '08 . Perhaps by then his face will have literally begun sliding off of his skeleton. At least there'll be no incumbent to influence worthless states like Ohio.

I am going to start doing more personal references on this blog [sorry]. Here's my first attempt. I have always wondered what summer camp cooks do in the winter. Clearly they have no marketable skills in the real food industry, be it the Chop House or Wendy's. I mean, who really would EVER put gummi worms in burnt-chocolate chip cookies? Just because something is lying around the kitchen, doesn't mean you just throw it in. With this said, I can only wonder how they spend their winter months. Are they cold? What do they eat? Do they sneak into the camp kitchen? This is dedicated to Mopsy and Gary specifically, but those K-Staff employees should also consider these things. Mopsy, if you are ever in the Kalkaska public library and stumble, at dial-up speed, to my blog, please respond by telling me exactly what you do between September and May. Thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kacz, you clearly know what Mops does... camps out in dry storage
- Alex

11:18 PM  

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