Wednesday, November 03, 2004

concession stands

As I watched Bush's victory speech today in American Film Comedy, we were given a choice to watch either our fearless leader stutter and stumble, or video clips for the day's lesson, which was the influence of the Three Stooges. Irony, you say? Nah. Regardless, can Ohio do anything right? I'm thinking it's seriously not in the cards. Those upset about the election results will simply have to stop whining sooner or later, and that includes myself. But honestly, I mean, it's not like the country is going to come to a crashing halt, people. If that were to happen, it may as well have been last night as we sat poised in front of the television watching older men with undeniable coiffs preach different electoral vote counts on every channel. In a wrap around butt grab of a move, Senator Kerry has conceded and Bush will reign for another four years. Even with two television screens and a real time computer, my colleagues and I were totally confused as to who had the right count. Damn you, Tucker and CNN. 'Twas a fight worth remembering, and though I am saddened by the Kerry campaign loss, I am not going to sit and pout about it for days like the other liberal weenies here in Ann Arbor. The only thing to do besides move to Canada with the diminuitive Avril and the radical Arcade Fire is to trust Bush's linguistics and continue to hope he does what is right.

Inevitable law suit of the day: R. Kelly is apparently suing tourmate and collaborator Jay-Z for a hefty $70 million dollars. Tension was rising on their 'Unfinished Business' Tour, with Kelly claiming that Jay-Z was taking all of his urinating limelight. The supposedly retired Jay just released a chart topping album of material with Kelly, and the tour was in full swing when it was nixed before the Madison Square Garden gig earlier this week. Such a pity--perhaps the Jay-Z camp can reap the profits of "Fade To Black," which his theater's trans-continent this Friday.

stevO515 (11:32:56 PM): Hey, if there's a draft, wanna move to Switzerland with me?
stevO515 (11:33:14 PM): I'm putting together a group, maybe we can get cheaper plan tickets or something
k A c Z 6 4 (11:33:25 PM): sure, we can snowboard and speak german right
k A c Z 6 4 (11:33:30 PM): there will be no draft
stevO515 (11:33:34 PM): yeah, and eat chocolate
stevO515 (11:33:54 PM): well, I kind of hope there is, so I can move to switzerland and have a reason


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"sure, can't forget about that ... reverse cowgirl. good kevin"

speaking of reverse cowgirl, hilary clinton '08? that would be a helluva reverse. too bad we can't incorporate 'hot lunch,' 'donkey punch,' or 'glass-bottom boat' into this analysis of politics.

5:59 PM  

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