Monday, November 08, 2004

nipplegate + wonka + n y c

I have returned from New York City.

After a weekend of Big Apple debauchery and hanging with the likes of the fambly and Jordache, Autumnattic returns with a fiery vengance. I was finally able to attend MisShapes, the hippest of hip dance parties on the West Side block. I even met Ultragrrrl, and she signed my chest. No, not really, but it was stellar. Of my few purchases, the standouts were bootleg copies of "The Incredibles"(!) and "Team America" and a wealth of, YES! Pashmina! God's gift to the scarf enthusiast.

It would be nearly impossible to detail all of the pop and politics from the weekend, so here goes a list of some noteable happenings and headlines deemed important by Autumnattic.

Tara Reid transgressed the beady eyes of peepers all around the globe with her rendition of Nipplegate 2. She boasts horrific scars from implants, if you couldn't already tell from, oh wait, she hasn't been in anything lately.

Alas! The teaser poster for Johnny Depp and Tim Burton's masterpiece remake of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has been unveiled. Watch out, Gene! Heeeeer's Johhny, err, WILLY!

LEAKS! Highly anticipated November albums from Eminem and U2 have leaked to bittorrent enthusiasts everywhere. Autumnattic has copies of both, and U2's "How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb" seems paltry upon first listen, but with gems like "City Of Blinding Lights," the album may still have an inkling of hope.

There was a suicide at Ground Zero on Saturday morning, which is actually the morning I visited. No, I did not see it, but it was fairly haunting anyway, and it is said to be a protest to the re-election of President Bush, among other things. Don't make me review my rant from the post-election commentary, people.

New @ Autumnattic! Check out the sidebar for Kacz recommendations of events, objects, people and attractions worth my dollar, time or obsession. And you, too.

Finally, be there or be SQUARE-U-LAR. Wednesday, November 10th @ 8:30 p.m. in the Michigan League Underground. Alex Winston will be performing originals at the open-mic night with special guest, Autumnattic's own Aaron Kaczander joining her onstage. Do not miss this well-crafted night of well-crafted music that has been crafted to perfection. Check out Alex's craft here.


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