Monday, February 07, 2005

more like superBORE, and umbrellas

the longest yard, sahara, the pacifier, and war of the worlds saw major cinematic commersh time between rompings at the superbowl last night. why would adam sandler touch a football movie again? even if it is a remake and it has burt reynolds? i'll say memorial day hit, critical flop--but who am i to judge? if you ask me, the commercials were poor, the game was worse, and the peek of 'american dad' was decent for maybe a one-episode run. be like ameriquest, and don't judge.

autumnattic has been loving louis xiv lately (no, not the rudimentary figurehead, the flippin' band), so do yourself a favor and check out the 'illegal tender ep'. thank ultragrrrl and see them with hot hot heat in march.

check out my review of the secret machines / moving units / autolux show from last thursday night here .

on a related rainy note, i would take a moment here to discuss umbrella etiquette while walking on a crowded street. obviously, one needs a certain amount of room to walk with an umbrella in an uncomfortable downpour. for some reason, though, folks in ann arbor seem to crowd the umbrella-enthused public unnecessarily. when you begin bumping other umbrellas, it can get very tedious, wet and annoying very fast. it also does not help if your umbrella does not close all the way, leaving one stuck at any indoor destination with a fully elongated umbrella. it does not cross your mind until it happens, let me assure you that. so keep those umbrellas handy on days like today, and be sure to test their open and close capabilites. you don't want to get caught in a torrential downpour.


Blogger Rubes said...

is the "related rainy note" that you: didn't enjoy the crowd and/or the concert on thursday night, believe that adam sandler's new movie will be a flop, or that "illegal tender ep" has something to do with water, rain, downpours etc?

also, i'm digging the lowercase style. i've been watching the progression over the past few weeks towards a more uniform (and unique) approach to blogging. see jeliquette for counterexample

8:37 PM  
Blogger Kacz said...

don't ever comment on my syntax again.

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Super Bowl is amazing itself is quite amazing but what has happened to the event is disgusting. I believe I heard that 75% of the tickets to the game were owned by corporations. Not to mention the $2.5 million 30 second spot commericals that are ever increasing in price and ever decreasing in quality. Die slow Tom Brady and the New England Patriots. Seltz

4:30 PM  

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