Wednesday, February 08, 2006

misshape'd fur coat

jenny lewis may have been spinning in style at misshapes on saturday night, but what you didn't know was that my review of rabbit fur coat (which i wrote two weeks ago, go figure) finally ran in yesterday's daily.

i am in the process of booking all sorts of spring break mayhem, including jackson hole for skiing & cold-hot tubbing and of course a visit to bema in "del boca veesta, flawrida" (pronounced like a real midwesterner). helping me do this are the wonderfully serio-comic sounds of jens lekman and the electro-dreamy electric president.

*fabulous nostalgia = an uncovering of very special brand new demos from their supposed 2006 release. word is these tunes are not going to be on the album (that's been in production longer than g n r's chinese democracy), but at least it's some sign of life.


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